Grave Plot $400.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $950.00 / Saturdays $1,050.00 / Sundays and Holidays $1,150.00 / Cremains price is subject to change / No after hour charge/ Contact Wilson Funeral Home 870-563-2877
Opening and closing of grave Monday-Friday $385.00/ Contact Pat Bell 870-588-4709/Grave Digger- Jason Butler P.O. Box 276 Wynne, AR 72396 870-588-5379.
Birdeye Veteran Cemetery
Honorably discharged Veterans and spouses may be buried here. There are no charges for the Veteran and a $300.00 charge for the spouse. The cemetery furnishes the grave, opening and closing, a pavilion to have a service, and a grave marker. Cremains may also be buried there or put in their wall. You must have a DD-214 and you may be prequalified, and we will gladly help you with that process.
Bolivar Cemetery
Grave Plot $350.00 / Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $450.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $350.00 (prices are subject to change) No after hour charge/ Cemetery contact/Grave digger - Steve Pierce 870-919-0342 / Cemetery board- Don Oberg 870-273-6544 *9/20
Bowman Cemetery (Private)
Grave Plot by donations / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday / Weekends / Holidays $200.00 / No after hour charge/ This is a private cemetery with limited space and for spouses only/ Grave digger Marvin White 870-931-2927
Box Elder (Private) Family members only
Grave Plot by donations / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box. Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $300.00 / AFTER 4:00 P.M. ANYDAY $100.00 EXTRA Contact- Buddy Rauls 870-539-6412
Browns Chapel
Grave Plot $100 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekends $450.00 / Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $50.00 / No after hour charge/ The graves must have corner blocks placed around the grave, cost is $40.00 each/ Contact David Hass at 870-236-0577 Cell / 870-236-3610 Work
Campbell cemetery
Opening and closing of the grave $250
Cane Island CemeteryContact Richard Varner 870-253-1568
Cantwell Cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $600.00/ Family is required to meet Margaret Skaggs (870) 259-3778 to mark grave/ Grave digger Mark Green - call Ermert Funeral Home- Corning Phone 870-857-3596/ Fax 870-857-3368
Caraway Cemetery
Grave Plot $250.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday / Weekends / Holidays $250.00 / Family can bury cremains / No after hour charge/ Contact Lisa at City Hall 870-482-3716.
Cardwell Cemetery
Grave Plot $100.00 for locals / $200.00 for people out of town/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00 / Weekends and Holidays $600.00 / Cremains by local Grave digger $40.00 /after 4:00 pm $100.00 charge/ Contact Janice Coud 573-654-3439 / Treasure Sue Kender 870-240-3733/ Whiz Taylor - marks grave 573-654-3439/ Mike Patton Grave digger 573-559-8469 (Cardwell Cemetery Association, PO Box 483, Cardwell Mo 63829)
Centerhill Cemetery (Up from Shiloah Hwy 412 past WalMart)
Grave digger Charlton Cupp
Clarks Chapel Cemetery
Grave Plot $100.00 for 2 people /Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekends $450.00 / Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $300.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact Mark Graftenreed 870-239-1217 Grave digger Charlton Cupp 870-215-1472
Cogbill Cemetery
Contact City of Wynne, Arkansas
Coffman Cemetery
Grave Plot $600.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekend and Holiday $450.00 / Cremains $50.00 / Family is responsible for finding a Grave digger or the Funeral home will provide one/Contact Dr. Jon Collier 870-476-3080 / Ronny Piuge 870-882-6410
Crittenden Memorial Park - Marion, Arkansas
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/Opening/closing of grave Monday-Friday $1550.00
Dogwood cemetery
Grave Plot $1,000.00 + $200.00 for maintenance fee / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box. Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $1,175.00 / Saturday $1,475.00 / Sunday $1,775.00 / no services on Easter, Mother's Day, Memorial Day, Father's Day, 4th of July, or Labor Day / Cremains $475.00, Saturday $575.00, Sunday $675.00 / AFTER HOUR CHARGES M-F $200.00, Saturday $300.00, Sunday $500.00 IF YOU ARE IN CEMETERY AT 4:00 P.M. OR AFTER / Cemetery contact/ Grave digger - Cobb Funeral Home 870-780-6009/ Prices are subject to change
Dunklin Memorial Gardens - Kennett, Missouri
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box. Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday before 4:00 p.m. $1175.00 / Saturday $1475.00 before 4:00 p.m./ Sunday $1775.00 before 4:00 p.m. / Holidays before 4:00 pm $1075.00 / AFTER 4:00 P.M. THERE IS AN ADDITIONAL $100.00 CHARGE. Opening and closing of grave for cremains / Monday - Friday before 4:00 p.m. $475.00 / Saturday $575.00 before 4:00 p.m. / Sunday $675.00 before 4:00 p.m. / Mona (573) 344-7521
Elmwood Cemetery
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box. Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. $950.00 / Saturday $1050.00 / Sunday $1150.00 / holidays $1450.00 / Cremains $525.00 / AFTER HOUR CHARGES $200.00 IF YOU ARE IN CEMETERY AT 4:30 P.M. OR AFTER / Cemetery contact/ Grave digger - Cobb Funeral Home 870-763-4431/ Prices are subject to change
Etowah Gardens Cemetery
Grave Plot $400.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $300.00 / Saturday $350.00 / Sunday $400.00 / holidays $400.00 / Cremains $400.00 if you do not have a plot / $25.00 fee to set headstone/ No after hour charge/Contact Johnny Bryan 870-531-2340
Fairview Cemetery
Grave Plot $350.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains price is subject to change/ No after hour charge/ Contact Tabby or Mark Stockdale 870-656-8538
Farm Hill Cemetery (Private)
Grave Plot Donations / Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00 / Weekends and Holidays $550.00 / Cremains $200.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact Brain Clampet 870-578-9226 / Grave digger Steve Pierce 870-919-0342
Finch Cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $450.00/ Contact Teddy Foster 870-236-8992
Fisher Cemetery
Grave Plot $35.00 /$300.00 onetime fee for grounds maintenance/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave is family choice or Funeral Home can provide a Grave digger at their cost/ Cremains $35.00 by the cemetery/ No after hour charge/ Contact Margie Henderson 870-328-7247
Garden Point Cemetery
Grave Plot $400.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $350.00 / Saturday $400.00 / Sunday $ 450.00 / Holidays $450.00 / Cremains $50.00 by city or Family can bury at no cost / No after hour charge/ Contact City Hall 870-531-2340 *4/20
Gethsemane Cemetery
Grave Plot $795.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $950.00 / $1,050.00 Sundays and Holidays / Cremains (prices are subject to change) Urn vault required / No after hour charge/ Contact Wilson Funeral Home 870-935-2774
Gibson Cemetery
Grave Plot by donations/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekends $550.00 / Holidays $650.00 Cremains $150.00 without tent/ $200 with tent/ No after hour charge/ Contact David King 870-935-8683
Grace Memorial Gardens
Bryan Sutterfield, owner 870-931-9273. Cremation Columbarium, 2109 W Matthews, Jonesboro, Arkansas. Prices range from $495 to $895.
Gravel Hill Cemetery
Grave plot by donations / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $300.00/ Weekends and Holidays $350.00 / Cremains $150.00 / No after hour charge/ Cemetery contact David Wagster 870-240-6046 / Grave digger - Jerry Darter 573-225-4646
Gregory cemetery Kennett
Grave Plot is a $50.00 permit /Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00 / Weekends and Holidays $600.00 / Cremains $300.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact Paul Harris 573-346-4858/ Grave digger Mike Patton 573-559-8469
Hall Cemetery
Grave Plot by donations / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $300.00 / Weekends and Holidays $350.00 / Cremains $150.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact David Wagster 870-240-6046
Harris Cemetery (Private)
Grave Plot $500.00 / Cremains no charge if you have a grave plot/ No after hour charge/ Contact Barbara Sewell 870-647-2585 (82 CR 720 Wynne, Ar)
Harris Chapel Cemetery
82 Co Rd 720, Wynne Ar 72396 Contact Jason Butler $375.00
Harrisburg Memorial Park Cemetery
Grave Plot $500.00 / $ 7.00 one-time document fee / $50.00 to mark grave / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday, Weekends and Holidays $600.00 / Cremains $100.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact - Hannah 870-351-6474
Hartsoe Cemetery
Grave Plot $100.00 / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday/ Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $500.00 / No after hour charge / Contact Marilyn Price 870-586-0507
Harvey’s Chapel Cemetery
Grave Plot $200.00 for 2 plots / $500.00 for 6 plots / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $500.00 (No charge if family wants to bury cremains) No after hour charge/ Cemetery Contact/Grave digger Mike Tarr 870-240-3064
Herman Cemetery
Grave Plots $200.00 - $250.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 / Weekends $500.00 / Holidays $600.00 / Cremains $200 (family can bury at no charge)/ No after hour charge/ Contact Maurce Watkins 870-219-8722.
Holly Springs Cemetery
Grave Plot $200.00 /Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $450.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $200.00 / No after hour charge/ Cemetery contact/ Grave digger Steve Pierce 870-919-0342 (69 Judd Hill Rd)
Horner Cemetery
Grave Plot $300.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00/ Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $300.00/ $100.00 after 4: 00 pm any day/ Contact Pam Felts 573-225-4702
Farm Hill Cemetery (Private)
Grave Plot Donations / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $450.00 / Weekends and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains $200.00 / No after hour charge/ Contact Brain Clapton 870-243-1951 / Grave digger Steve Pierce 870-919-0342
Holy Cross Cemetery (must be of the Catholic Faith)
Grave Plot $250.00 / Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Saturday $450.00/ Sunday and Holidays $500.00 / Cremains are subject to change / No after hour charge / Contact Martha Strafford 870-919-3694
Hunter Cemetery
Grave Plot $50.00 / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Sunday and holidays $450.00 /Cremains $150.00 / No after hour charge / Contact Kenneth Welthford 870- 319-5080
Janes Creek Cemetery
Contact Mildred Bailey 870-869-2323
Jones Ridge Cemetery
Grave plot is $300.00 / Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00 / Caretaker is Don Gillian 870-378-4132
Jonesboro Memorial Park Cemetery - Prices effective February 1, 2024
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $1350.00/ Saturday add $300.00/ Sunday add $500.00/ Holiday price $2500.00/ Holidays are: New Year's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas. Garden of Little Angels (Infants Only) $175.00/ Baby or youth up to 12 years old $595.00/ Cremains Monday - Friday $695.00/ Regular hours are: Monday 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. and Thursday thru Friday is 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Before and after regular hours there is an extra charge of $250.00/ Contact 870-932-6532
Keller Cemetery (3209 Quail Ridge Run, Jonesboro)
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Jerry Lewis at Gregg FH is to be notified 870-810-3830/grave digger will be contacted
Lake City Cemetery
Grave plot $200.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $150.00/ Weekends and Holidays $150.00/ Cremains no charge/ No after hour charge/ Lake City Memorial Cemetery- 2 blocks from other cemetery- same prices/ Contact Lake City City Hall or City Clerk Lisa Sitz 870-237-4431
Lancaster Cemetery
Grave plot no set charge – will accept donations/Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday- $450.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains $150.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact R.A Right 870-759-0121 * 4/21
Laredo Cemetery
Grave plot no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00/ Weekends and Holidays $500/ Cremations $50.00/No after hour charge/ Grave digger Charlton Cupp 870-215-1472/ Contact Keith Fielder 870-530-0661 *4/21
Lawrence Memorial Cemetery
Grave plot (New part) $300.00-600.00/ New part does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ New part- Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00-500.00/ New Part-Weekends and Holidays- $650.00/ Old part does not require outer burial container, old part- family can do everything themselves/ Old part- varies in price/ Cremains- $100.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Chris 870-866-3434 *4/21
Leachville Cemetery
Grave plot $300.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $250.00/ Weekends and Holidays $300.00/
Cremains $250.00 with new plot- free if family does the opening and closing/ No after hour charge/ Contact City Hall 870-539-2252 *4/21 Robert Clowers 870-974-3280
Lepanto/Potter Cemetery
Grave plot $750.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $300.00/ Saturday $400.00/ Sunday and Holidays $500.00/ Cremains Monday - Friday $50.00/Weekends and Holidays $150.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Tammy Wyatt 870-475-2415
Levisy Flat Cemetery Mt. View, Ar
Grave Plot - no charge/ Closed cemetery/ Opening and closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00/ Contact Mae Brewer 870-269-8991 or 870-214-0417/ Grave digger -Bontrager Diggin LLC, Merlin Bontrager 870-213-5556
Liberty Cemetery
Opening and closing of grave Monday - Saturday $450.00 /Sunday and Holidays $550.00/ Location 755 Hwy 351 Paragould, Ar/ located next to Liberty Church of Christ/ Grave digger Brody Foster 870-219-4731
Lighthouse cemetery
Grave plot no set charge – will accept donations/Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday--Saturday/ Sunday $600.00/ Cremains $150.00 w/o backhoe/ $400.00 with backhoe/ Set up fee $300.00 tent/ $375 chairs and lowering device/ No after hour charge/ Contact Olivee Waters 501-206-1378 *4/21
Lindsey Cemetery
Grave plot $300.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00/ Weekend$475.00/ Holidays $500.00/ Cremains $100.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Clark Dillard 870-633-2612
Linwood Cemetery
Grave Plot $250.00/Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday-Friday $200.00/ Weekends and Holidays $350.00/ After-hours $350.00/ Cremains $100.00/ Cremains weekends $250/ Cremains after hours $250.00/ Infant under 1 year old weekdays $75.00/ Infant under 1 year old Weekends and Holidays$150.00/ Transfer Deed Fee $35.00/ After hour charge past 4:00pm/ Contact City Hall 870-239-7500
Little Prairie Cemetery
Grave plot $500.00/ Resales available at lower prices/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday/ Weekends and Holidays $600.00/ Cremains $300.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact P.G Maners 573-333-2300
Louise Cemetery
Grave plot $300.00 plus $5.00 upkeep fee per year/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $700.00/ Weekends and Holidays $800.00/ Cremains $300.00 or family can dig/ No after hour charge/ Contact Kenneth Shannon 870-740-2203
Lulu Cemetery - Senath
Grave Plot $100.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Grave digger - Mike Patton - Tommy Jones caretaker 573-888-7215.
Macey Cemetery
Grave plot $400.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $450.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ No fee for cremains/ No after hour charge/ Contact Kevin Wimberly 870-919-4504
Manila Cemetery
Grave plot $500.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $500.00 / Saturday $650.00 / Sunday $750.00 and Holidays$750.00 / Cremains $250.00 Monday-Friday / $350.00 Weekends. No after hour charge/ Contact Dewight Booth 870-243-4374
Maple Grove Cemetery
Grave plot no set charge/ Will accept donations/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $850.00/ Saturday $950.00/ Sunday $1050/ Holidays $1350.00 / Cremains (urn vault required) $525/ After hour charge $200.00 after 4:30 pm/ Contact Cobb Funeral Home 870-763-4431 (prices subject to change)
Marked Tree Cemetery
Grave plot $600.00 / one time maintenance fee of $150.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $450.00/ Saturday, Sunday, Holidays $500.00 /Cremains $50.00/ no after hour charge Contact Linda O’Dell 870-358-3785 / April Ragan (Secretary) 870-375-2414 *4/21
Markham Cemetery (Private)
Private cemetery- the Marcum Association people, or family members are the only ones allowed burials in this cemetery/ Most have their plots already/ Family provides someone to open and close grave or Funeral Home can provide one/ Contact- Bill Keith 870-219-8402
Masadonia cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday- Saturday $450/ Sundays and holidays $500/ / Contacts- Overseer 870-761-6556/ Grave digger 870-926-4475
Masonic Cemetery Pocahontas
grave digger Gage Glisson 870-758-1516
McDaniel Cemetery
Grave plot $1000.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $450.00/ Weekends $150.00/ Holidays $250.00/ Cremains $200.00 with Tent/ $150.00 to dig if have plot already/No after hour charge/ Grave Digger Brad Clark/ Contact Larry Russom 870-761-6605
Memorial Gardens - Caruthersville, Missouri
Requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box. Opening and Closing of the grave Monday - Friday $750.00, Saturday is $850.00 and Sunday is $950.00. $75.00 setting fee for monuments. John German Funeral Home is the contact at 1-573-359-1400.
Memorial Gardens - Paragould, Arkansas
Grave plot $660.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $1195.00/ Saturday $1,490.00/ Sunday $1,595.00/ Holidays $1990.00/ Cremains with tent/chairs $695.00 / Cremains without tent/chairs $495.00/ Urn vault required/ Urn vault at GCMG $395/ Urn Vault at Faith $185.00/ No after hour charge
Memorial Gardens - Blytheville, Arkansas
Grave Plot $1000.00 + $200.00 for one time care fee/Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $850.00/ Saturday $950.00/ Sunday $1050/ Holidays $1350.00/ Cremains $525- Urn vault required/ After hour charge of $200.00 if at cemetery at or after 4:30 pm/ Contact - Cobb FH 870-763-4431 (price subject to change)
Memory Gardens - Wilson Funeral Home
Grave Plot $795.00/Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $950.00/ Sundays and Holidays $1,050.00/ Cremains require urn vault/ prices are subject to change/ no after hour charge/ Contact Wilson Funeral Home 870-563-2877
Miss Co. Memorial Garden
Grave Plot $1075/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $1350.00/ Saturday $1125.00/ Sunday $1395.00/ Holidays $1595.00/ Cremains Monday - Friday with no set up $395.00/ Saturday $495.00/ Sunday and Holidays $780.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Christy 870-563-6578
Mitchell Cemetery, Greenway/ Dose not require an outer burial container, which is your choice. Opening and Closing of the grave Monday - Friday $500.00, Weekends $700.00 call Mark Watson 870-595-4500 and Kim Bradford
Mitchell #8 Cemetery, Cooter, Missouri
Grave Plot $600 / Opening and closing of the grave $600.00 after 4:00 p.m. $150 / Cremains opening and closing $300 on weekends or holidays $450 / marking fee $50 / William Barger 573-752-1213. Does not require an outer burial container.
Memorial Park- Cobb FH
Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $850.00 /price increases: $100.00 on Saturday/ $200.00 on Sunday/ $500.00 on Holidays/ Opening and Closing for cremains $525.00/ (Will put two in one plot) (prices subject to change)
Monette Cemetery
Grave Price $300.00/ Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $500.00/ Saturday $550.00/ Sunday and Holidays $550.00/ Cremains $175.00/ No after hour charge/ contact Dana McKuin City Hall 870-486-2000/ cell 573-344-7117 (Family needs to meet with Dana before the funeral to confirm grave location and sign paperwork)
Mound Park cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ $50.00 charge for upkeep if there is no outer burial container/ Opening and Closing Monday-Friday $500/ Weekends $600/ Overseer: Delisle funeral home/ Grave digger George 573-379-5486
Mt. Home Paragould Cemetery
Grave Plots $250.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains $50.00/No after hour fee/ Grave digger Charlton Cupp 1-870-215-1472/ / Contact Glinda King 870-239-4324
Mt. Pisgah (2154 CR 403 Jonesboro)
Grave Plots are free/ Family is responsible for upkeep of grave/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $500.00 /Contact Martha Blassingame 870-935-6879 / Gerald Haun 870-838-3626/ Grave digger Brad Clark
Mt. Zion Cemetery
Grave Plot $500.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday 500.00/Weekends and Holidays $600.00/ Cremains Monday-Saturday $250/ Sunday $300 /No after hour charge/ Contact Howard Burns 573-695-3630 or 573-359-7833, 573-359-8450
Nettleton Cemetery
Grave Plots Side A $650.00 and side B$ 225.00/ Cemetery requires a vault or outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $425.00/ Weekends $650.00/ Holiday $800.00/ Cremains Monday - Friday $200.00/ Weekends $350.00/No after hour charge/ Contact Lance Merritt at 870-930-4696.
New Hope Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/Cemetery requires an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/Family can provide someone to open and close the grave/ or the FH will provide a Grave digger $500.00/ Cemetery does request a permanent marker because families already have rows of family plots marked/ Contact Mrs. Nelda Adams 870-919-8929
New Friendship Cemetery
Grave Plot $175.00 for 11ft / $100.00 for a 9ft/ Cemetery requires a vault or outer container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday/ Weekends and Holidays $400.00/ If there is a monument that needs to be moved before the grave can be dug there will an additional $200.00 charge/ Cremains $50.00/ No after hour charge. Contact JR Breckinridge 870-586-0648 (he will contact Grave digger) 421 Greene Rd 519, Paragould, AR
New Liberty Cemetery
Grave Plot $75.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $450.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains no charge for the family if they want to take care of this themselves/ No after hour charge
Nichols Cemetery - Marked Tree
Contact Rosemary Nichols 870-358-1034 (home)/ 870-243-0332 (Cell)/ Interment Authorization paperwork needs to be filled out before opening and closing of grave/
Nimmons Cemetery - Hoggard and Sons Funeral Home at 870-598-3469 does the opening/closing and it is $500 during the week. Tommy Redman at 870-598-2331 sells the plots. The cemetery does not require an outer burial container.
Nobel Cemetery - Brookland, AR no outer burial container required. Contacts Danny Murphy 870-219-6324 and Tommy Russell 501-765-2430. Opening and closing Brad Clark. Location: Intersection of Craighead County Road 706 and Craighead County Road 740. From Jonesboro, go north on highway 49 to the south edge of Brookland, turn left on Craighead County Road 706. The cemetery will be about 1 mile ahead on the right.
Oak Forest Cemetery
Grave Plot $200.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday- Friday/ Weekends and Holidays $400.00/ Cremains price are subject to change/No after hour charge/ Contact Carolyn Hester 870-878-6538.
Oak Grove Cemetery
Weiner, Arkansas - Myra 870-974-3637
Old Enterprise Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $500.00/ Weekends $150.00 more/ Holidays $250.00 more/ Cremains $200.00 with Tent/ $ 150.00 to dig with a plot already/ There is a fee of $2.00 per mile from his shop to the graveside/ No after hour charge/ Contact Tommy Cox 870-219-5032
Old Lebanon Cemetery
Grave Plot $350.00 for 2/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains $50.00 to 150.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact David Stewart 870-283-2331/ Darrell Smith #870-528-3648 (close to Lynn grocery store)
Parks Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday/ Weekends $500.00/ Holidays $500.00 and up/ Cremains $150.00/ No after hour charge. Contact Parrish 870-595-4504
Philadelphia Cemetery
Grave Plots $500.00/ Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing $400.00/ Weekends $150.00 more/ Holidays $250.00 more/ Cremains 200.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Tim Broadway 870-972-9154
Piggott Cemetery
Contact Fred Orr 870-598-7845 - requires outer burial container - $500 opening/closing cost paid to Piggott Cemetery Association.
Pine Hill Cemetery
Grave Plot - Call for plot information/ Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $450.00 Monday-Saturday/ $550.00 Sunday/ Cremains $200.00 with tent /$150.00 to dig with a plot already/ Contact David Cline 870-935-8315 / 870-931-8317 Brad Clark Grave digger 870-897-6239
Pine Knot Cemetery
Grave price no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $400.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains $50.00 /No after hour charge/ Contact Jane Wheeler at 870-239-6303
Pine Log Cemetery
Grave price no set charge – will accept donations/reserve a spot $200.00 for ground upkeep/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday -Saturday $450.00/ Sundays and Holidays $500.00/ Cremains $150.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Teddy Foster 870-926-4475 126 CR 763 Brookland, AR
Pirtle Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00 Weekend and Holidays/ - NO Christmas or Thanksgiving/ cremains $200.00/ No after hour charge/ Can give Donations to help with the ground upkeep if you can/ Contact Judy Shumming 870-249-3208.
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $15.00 for people that live in county/ Out of county people $400.00 and will be in the Benton area plots all digging is $15.00 for in or out of county people/ No after hour charge/ Contact Thomas Fullbright 870-805-9704.
Portageville cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ $50 upkeep charge for graves with no vault/ Opening and closing of grave Monday-Friday $450 / weekends $550/ $100 extra charge if after 4:00pm/ Contact overseer: Delisle funeral home/Grave digger: George 573-379-5486
Post Oak Cemetery, McDougal, Arkansas
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box / Rick Ermert will mark the grave/Grave digger Lonnie Green / Sonny Rigdon- Caretaker #870-240-6043 Make check to Ermert Funeral Home, Corning
Potter's Memorial Cemetery, Lepanto, Arkansas
Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/Opening/Closing of grave Monday - Friday $300.00 / Weekends and Holidays $400.00/ Lepanto City Hall #870-475-2415
Prairie Cemetery
Grave Plots are free/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Saturday $500.00/ Grave digger Brad Clark
Providence Cemetery
Grave Plot no set charge – will accept donations/ requires permanent marker/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00/ Weekends and Holidays $450.00/ Cremains Family can dig/ No after hour fee/ This cemetery works off Donations/ Contact Kenneth Pugh 870-586-0417/ Grave digger Chris Cappleman 870-476-8822 (Between Lafe & Marmaduke (closer to Lafe) Hwy 34 W 5 miles to Lafe
Purcell Cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $500.00/Cemetery Secretary: Joyce Huckabay 870-323-0260/ Grave Digger Mark Watson 870-595-4500
Ramers Chapel Cemetery (Greene 407 Marmaduke)
Grave Plot is 2 people for $200.00 or $100.00 apiece/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00/ Weekends and Holiday $500.00/ Cremains- $500.00 (family can bury at no charge) Contact Davon Hamilton 870-761-2136/ Grave digger Mike Tarr
Rivercrest Gardens Cemetery
Grave Plot $400.00/ Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $950.00/ Sundays and Holidays $1,050.00 / Cremains are subject to change (vault needed)/ No after hour charge/ Contact Wilson FH 870-563-2877
Rock Hill Cemetery - Jonesboro
Next to Rock Hill Church/ 151 CR 777
Rutherford Cemetery
Grave Plot $100.00/Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00/ Weekends $150.00/ Holidays $250.00/ Cremains $200.00 with Tent/ $150.00 to dig with a plot already/ There is a fee of $2.00 per mile from his shop to the graveside/ No after hour charge/ Contact Rick Carter 870-930-6985 questions. Grave digger Brad Clark
Senath Cemetery
Grave Plots $ 250.00 plus $50.00 for Permanent marker fee/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing Monday - Friday $500.00/ Weekend and Holiday $600.00/ $100.00 after 4pm any day/ Cremains $300.00 / Contact Keith Morgan a 573-344-2339/or McDaniel in Senath 573-738-2311 Grave digger Mike Patton
Shady Grove Cemetery
Grave Plot $400.00. / Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave $950.00. / Sundays and Holidays $1,050.00/ Cremains subject to change (vault needed) No after hour charge/ Contact Wilson Funeral Home 870-563-2877
Shiloh Cemetery Paragould
Grave Plot is $250.00/ Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00/ Weekends $450.00/ Holidays $500.00/ Cremains $100.00 by hand/ $400.00 with backhoe/ No after hour charge/ Contact Dillman Cupp 870-236-8509
Shiloh Cemetery Craighead
Grave Plot no set price – will accept donations/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday-Friday $450.00/ Weekend $450.00/ Holiday $500.00/ Cremains (no charge if dug by hand) / $225.00 with backhoe/ No after hour charge/Contact Steve Pierce 870-919-0342
Smithville Cemetery
Cemetery does not require out burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box / opening and closing Monday - Friday is $550 / Weekend $600 / Contact Aaron Whitmire 870-283-9277
Stanfield Cemetery
Grave Plot $400.00/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400.00/Weekends and Holidays $500.00/ Cremains $275.00/ Only 1 urn per family members grave/ infant burial Monday - Friday $275.00/ Weekend or Holidays $375.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact James Pickard at 573-276-7975
Grave Plot $50.00/ Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $600.00/Sunday $600.00/ No after hour fee/ Contact Mr. Ron Ball 870-938-3133 Trinity Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 429, Bono, AR 72416.
Grave digger Brad Clark 870-897-6239
Tyronza Cemetery
Grave price is $550.00. Opening and Closing is $595.00. This Cemetery does require a vault or an outer container. Saturdays are $695.00. Sundays and Holidays are $895.00. Cremains are $0 but plot price is subject to change. There is no after hour fee. You can contact Jerry Smith 870-549-1150 for opening/closing of the grave. Call Danny Mars 901-573-2299 to get grave marked.
Union Grove Cemetery
Grave price no set charge. These plots are for church and family is why there is no charge, and most have plots marked. This Cemetery does require a vault or an outer container. Opening and Closing is $400.00. This cemetery does require a vault. Holiday fee is $250.00. Weekend $150.00. Cremains $200.00 with Tent and $ 150.00 to dig with a plot already. There is a fee of $2.00 per mile from his shop to the graveside. There is no after hour fee. You can contact Vergie Dorton at 870-935-6138 if you have further questions.
Unity Cemetery - Bono
Opening and Closing is $500. They do require an outer container. Call Monica 870-819-8520 to have grave marked. Brad Clark does the opening and closing.
Weiner Cemetery
Contact Myra Schwartz 870-684-2284
Whiteside Cemetery
Grave Price is $795.00. Opening and Closing cost is $950.00. This Cemetery does require a vault or an outer container. Sundays and Holidays is $1,050.00. Cremains prices are subject to change and you need a vault. There is no after hour charge. You can contact Wilson Funeral Home at 870-563-2877 if you have further questions.
Whittaker Cemetery
$175.00 for cremains. Brad digs. Cemetery contact: Bonnie Dean at 870-886-2080. Located between Walnut Ridge and Sedgwick, left before the light at bypass at WR.
Willis Cemetery
Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Terry Osment - Grave digger 870-897-1400/ Steve Pierce is back up Grave digger $450.00
Central Community between Harrisburg and Trumann/ off old#1 Hwy/ 153 N gravel from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church
Wilson/Truman Cemetery
Grave Plot subject to change/ Opening & closing is M-F $400.00. This cemetery does not require a vault. Cremains are $175.00. Weekends Saturday $450.00 & Sunday $500.00. Holiday M-F $575.00, Saturday $625.00, Sunday$675.00. There is no after hour charge. Jacksons Funeral Home in Harrisburg is helping till new member is found so contact them at 870-578-2452.
Woodland Heights Cemetery
Grave Plot $200.00/ Opening and Closing is $500.00. This cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and closing of grave Monday - Friday $500.00/ Weekend $700.00/ Cremains $150.00 /No after hour charge/ Contact Betty Easmon 870-595-4090 grave digger Mark Watson 870-595-4500
Woodlawn Cemetery
Grave Plot $300.00 plus $50.00 1x care fee/ Cemetery does not require an outer burial container, which is a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $300.00/ Weekends and Holidays $350.00/ Cremains $150.00/ No after hour charge/ Contact Jerry Darter 573-225-4646
Woods Chapel
Grave Plot $200/Cemetery does require an outer burial container, which is your choice of a vault or concrete box/ Opening and Closing of grave Monday - Friday $400/ Weekend & Holiday $450.00/ No after hour charge/ contact Gary Archer 870-239-3844
Worley Cemetery
Permission for burial is required / Cemetery does require an concrete or better outer burial container, President/Trustee/Custodian - Gary Barr 870-809-0841/ Trustee/Treasure - George Smith 870-761-4450/ Trustee/ Secretary - Michael Hawkins 870-919-4465/ Trustee - Kay Best 870-761-4415 updated 5/4/2021